
Gatsby & Tailwind CSS

May 2019

2 minutes

Back again with another TailwindCSS + X guide!

This time it's Gatsby's turn. Gatsby is a open-source framework for creating server rendered websites/apps. I'm a huge fan of Gatsby, so much so you are reading this article on a site built using it!

Again, this not a comparison to Next.js, create-react-app or anything else - so now that's out of the way, let's get to work hooking these two up.

First start by creating a new Gatsby project if you don't already have one. I've taken the instructions from their Quick start guide:

npm install -g gatsby-cli
gatsby new myproject
cd myproject

Firstly, if you haven’t done already, you want to install the necessary Node modules in your project to achieve this:

npm install --save tailwindcss autoprefixer gatsby-plugin-postcss

N.B: you don’t have to install autoprefixer but we use it below and the Tailwind docs advise using it with PostCSS, so who am I to argue!

Then, rather than creating any custom scripts, we can hook into the Gatsby plugin system. As TailwindCSS exports PostCSS directives, we can use it as a PostCSS plugin, so we need to tell Gatsby which PostCSS plugins we would like to use. Open up gatsby-config.js and add the following plugin and options:

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-plugin-postcss`,
      options: {
        postCssPlugins: [require("tailwindcss"), require("autoprefixer")]

Nearly there! Now we need to set up our CSS “entry point”. You can do this wherever you like but here’s how I do it. Create src/pages/index.css and paste in the following:

@tailwind base;

@tailwind components;

@tailwind utilities;

/* Your custom CSS here */

To make use of this file, just make sure that in your src/pages/index.js you have:

import "index.css";

And you are good to go.

Next steps

As detailed in the Tailwind docs, now we have PostCSS processing set up, we can take advantage of the many PostCSS plugins available!

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